
Young People and the Referral Process

A wide range of referrals can be considered due to having an experienced and robust staff team including access to a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and specialist external therapists and clinicians.

Each new referral would be considered for its impact on Young People already resident in Jess Care. Consideration will also be given to the ages of the Young People to be placed, as in normal circumstances we would not consider it appropriate for there to be a large age gap between the Young People. However, this depends more on the individual Young People who are present at the home.

All relevant factors will be considered, and we will liaise fully with placing officers and/or Social Workers as to the appropriateness of any intended offer of placement.

When offering a potential placement to any Young Person, the Manager will take into account the Young Person’s age, religious persuasion, racial origin, cultural and linguistic background, disability, assessed needs and previous experiences and plans a careful matching process which is carefully adhered too.

The Jess Care team will consider a wide range of referrals for males depending upon matching and the skills of the team employed including:

  • risk of sexual exploitation;
  • sexualised behaviours;
  • self-harming behaviours including suicidal tendencies;
  • personal trauma;
  • emotional difficulties;
  • substance abuse; addictive behaviours;
  • learning difficulties (dyslexia, ADHD, dyspraxia);
  • learning disabilities [Mild to moderate]
  • mental health Issues (Depression, Anxiety, OCD, PTSD).

Careful matching is carried out on all Young People before acceptance into the home.

Types of Placement

  • “Short Term Placement” is planned but is for a period of up to 6-months initially.
  • “Long Term Placement” will turn into a long-term placement over 6-months.
  • “Emergency Placement” are unplanned, same day or next day placement, for any period up to 10-working days. After 10-working days, it becomes a short-term placement in our Emergency Placement Unit

Admission Procedures

Jess Care will take the same day planned admissions, where the information is provided directly on the day to enable an informed decision to be made.

There are several stages to the company and homes referral procedure, but this does not include the emergency placement.

The Registered Home Manager will assess which Referrals will get the most out of a placement at the home guided by the Information sent from the Local Authority and the needs of the current residents. The Manager will confer with his Deputy who will then consult with the Placement Team on their views, regarding the potential new resident Matching the current residents at the house. (Subject to JESS matching policy).

Due to the circumstances surrounding the majority of referrals, most placements start within a day or two of Matching. The date will be agreed between the Local Authority and JESS.
We will plan and organise a visit for every new young person referral to the Home prior to the move, however if a prior visit is not possible staff are well trained in how to approach and support a young person who is trying to settle into an unfamiliar environment. Staff will ensure that as soon as a bedroom is available, the room is prepared and made ready for the new Young Person. It is highly desirable that immediately prior to admission a team meeting is held to fully brief the team on the new Young Person. When this is not possible, the Home Manager will fully brief team members on an individual basis at the earliest possible opportunity.

The Home Manager works with the Deputy Home Manager and placing Authorities to establish the best date and time of admission.

Emergency Admissions

All staff members are aware of the procedures to complete upon the arrival of a new young person. If an emergency placement is required for a Young Person and access to the home’s Solo Placement / Emergency Placement duplex apartment, the Home Manager will endeavour to be present or in his/her absence a senior member of staff who is experienced with the process and sensitivity of taking a Young Person into emergency care within the home.

We will ensure that the emergency placement is well planned in the little time given and a smooth transition process, including additional support staff as required, is provided.

This can include actions, such as organising extra staffing for shifts; providing the Young Person with toiletries and clothing, etc. The Young Person will not have access to the main home but will have access to all specialist support and the clinical team.

Please contact us on 01255 479591